

Today have to pass up four Various type of task one essay question to teacher. The first essay shows line graph, two third and forth consist of pie chart, bar chart and table respectively. I have to write at least 150 words for each essay. I finished two essay last night. Now have to concentrate and finish last two essay. Cheer up.:)


Three weeks time

It has just left three weeks then I have to go for ielts test. One weeks time to go for ielts preparation class, the other two weeks have to do revision by myself. I have no mood to do revision or memorize those vocabulary now, what has happened to me. Keep thinking of those stupid things, sigh.. I have to get 6.0 band score then only can go uk. I have to try my best. Fight for uk. cheer up Yeemun. You should start revision now.









This few day when I was awake in the morning I will feel my stomach is really uncomfortable. I know that's the reason I think about later have to attend the preparation ielts class, then I feel stress, pressure, nervous, when I have those emotion, then my stomach will start uncomfortable, feel to vomit, feel to diarrhea. This feeling always trouble me to attend the class. Always think of this is only a normal tuition class to teach me English, but my mind still cannot be steady, seem like I'm in the exam classes. I'm really tired of this feeling, I hate this feeling. Who can save me? Who can help me? I'm really uncomfortable. I'm really afraid of ielts examination. ;(


在 ielts class

Ielts 真的是个很难考的科目!今天老师给我们做课本的习题,我竟然只对了两题,而做我附近的人只错了两题,原本以为那本书太难了,谁知,大家都会,只有我不会,我真的要崩溃了。我没有其他的选择了,这是唯一的一条路。只有努力去完成了。:( BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop



考了Els,成绩是在105,是intermediate 的level,符合了考ielts的资格,所以可以上preparation ielts的课。虽然是符合了,但是,今天上的第一堂课就已打击了我的信心,因为我在一个小时里面竟然做不完三个reading part,真的是彻底打击啊!ielts真的不是普通的英文啊!唉! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop



今天自己完成了很多事情,本来是想他陪的,但是他选择去唱歌, 而我就只好自己一个人了。

早上去做了passport,直到三点才做好。然后去看了朋友一下,就去British Council了,然后再走路去Els的地方,路上还有坏人要跟我说话呢!真可怕,然后走走下,天空在闪雷,似乎要下雨了,想快快找到Els的地方,心里又害怕下雨,最后决定走回British Council,把车泊去Els的地方,哇!那个地方恐怖到啊!黑黑的,没有人的,比mutiara的泊车地点还要恐怖一百倍!最后找到车位,然后好心人带我到Els的地方,还好有他们,不然我一定迷路的。更好笑的是,我一从lift出来,问个老外Els在哪里,然后他问我是不是要学英文,然后就把我带到另一个补习地方,(忘记叫什么名了)然后另一个人跟我说清楚那里只是普通教英文而已,所以还是要去Els啦!哈哈!最后还是解决问题了。要找个人陪我去那里补习了。哈哈!还好有bear bear要补习,不然,我真的不敢再一个人去那个泊车地方了。

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现在我的心情就像,现在的天空那样,下着绵绵的细雨。突然间的想念。很想念他啊!想念他唱歌给我听,想念他对我的好!Gosshhh..今天我是怎么了?该死的,一定是太得空了。讨厌,想哭啊!;( BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop